
"we blend in a way unseen elsewhere, painting and music together, and decline them in multiple usefull shapes, so your life is just Art" more

    What is a SonicPaint ?

    Annamaria is finishing an Original

    Fabrice is finishing a Music

    A QRcode is created that plays it.

    The music is stored into the website. A page containg the music and the image, and all contact informations is created.. That page generates a resilient URL then a resilent QRcode.

    QR code is alocated on the paint

    The paint becomes a music player

    Declined in multiple forms

    Our dream

    At Sonic Paint, we would like to help the people pass this period of time with great sens of aesthetic and awareness

    Have you heard about vision board? All concept comes that: The idea that what you get is what you foccuss on

    So surround yourself with the desired emotion and vison

    We belive that Graphism and Music greatly enhance themselves by creating a positive synesthesia state. The state to help manifesting what is deeply yourself.

    We need your feedbacks, to us improve and understand what new direction to take, please use the contact section.

    Annamaria Papalini

    Fabrice De Graef

    Anna Maria Papalini

    Rome Pitigliano
    active depuis 1991


    "Depuis toujours, j’esquisse des idées. Une idee mûrit en moi, un sentiment profond, un concept qui m’habite.
    Puis, soudain, l’envie de peindre s’impose. Je saisis mes pinceaux, c'est alors que des personnages émergent de mes coups de pinceau, venant d’un autre monde, mais étrangement familiers."

    Annamaria se nourrit des réflexions contemporaines, des recherches de Corrado Malanga sur l'inconscient, de la symbolique des peuples premiers, et de cette perpétuelle interrogation sur la condition humaine.

    we blend in a unic way.. unseen elsewhere, painting and music and decline it in multiple shapes so you can enjoy a life made of Art (more...)